Sunday, March 28, 2010


As the image suggests, I'm back from an extended absence that was attributed to a great many causes too numerous to list. What's important is that I'm back here adding content that may or may not provide value but is offered just the same. This entry will be brief as the intent is to reestablish comminications channels after remaining EMCON ALPHA for the lengthy period during my absence, so up to date status follows, with more to come.

Moored starboard side to Berth 4 at US Naval Station Nofolks, with six standard mooring lines doubled fore and aft. Ships present include USS NEVERSAIL DD-420, USS WHATSANANCHOR DD-421 and various ships and auxiliary units of the US Atlantic Fleet. The plant is cold iron with the ship receiving all hotel services from the pier. Sounding and security watches have been posted. Section III is on deck with the bulk of the off watch crew ashore. The Commanding Officer is aboard. Senior Officer Present Afloat is COMNAVSAMLANT embarked in USS NEVERSAIL.