Friday, March 20, 2009

UNIT SITREP 201930Z MAR 09 First Official Action IRT Operation Homeport Change Puna

As this weblog was begun with the intention to be the log that chronicles our progress in eventual move to the Big Island for our retirement, I am posting today to announce the first of our series of milestones toward that end.

Yesterday I bought a ticket for a round trip flight to Hilo in mid-April, where I will be looking at acreage in the Puna District on which to build our retirement home when we finish up our business here on the Mainland. I expect to be there about 5 days, during which time I hope to find that one of the places on my list will prove a suitable piece of land for our hale likaia.
Mahalo nui to my friend and Shipmates Lee and Patty for their gracious invitation to allow me to impose on their Hale 'Ohana during my visit. I am also looking forward to face-to-face talk story with several of my BI makamaka whom I have met through PunaOnline, Damon Tucker's Weblog and Devany Vickery Davidson's My Hawaiian Home.

More to follow along this subject line after completion of my trip. Aloha nui.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Still alive and kicking here, claiming victory over recent engagement with locally circulating flu bug. Work schedule exceedingly aggressive here lately, impeding my attention to posting. Pushing through this crunch and will be back soon.

Meantime, 6 mooring lines doubled up, tending fair. Quarterdeck, Cold Iron and Sounding Security Watches set with all but Duty Sections in a liberty status. All conditions normal; the Captain is ashore.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Binnacle List

Have been Tango Uniform for the better part of the last week with a respiratory crud. Recovering, but still feeling punk. Will get back to full operational status soon. Meantime, any takers on the significance to this post of the image shown here?

Back soon...Aloha nui.